Mammoth, CA
February 22-29, 2020

status: completed

A welcome reception at the Mammoth Mountain Inn provided an overview of the area as well as a brief history of Dave McCoy, the man whose vision and determination built Mammoth Mountain Ski Area. The documentary, “Mammoth Dreams’” chronicles his incredible life story. For many, it was our first time to Mammoth, and we had two new club members with us, Wayne and Robert, who served as official group photographer. The second day we enjoyed private mountain tours, starting at the lifts situated just a few steps from our hotel. Every day gave us sunny blue skies, pleasant temperatures and good snow. At our daily group buffet breakfast we had opportunity to share experiences and plan for the day’s activities. The more adventurous, advanced skiers joined Susan down the expert trails, while Scott was adopted as group leader for others, only once accidentally leading us down a mogul run.

If you have the opportunity to visit Mammoth, be sure to lunch at least once at the Outpost for incredibly delicious gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches.

Apres ski was held Monday night at the Mountainside Grille in our hotel. The group dinner was held on Wednesday at
Petra’s Bistro at the recommendation of Clare’s cousin Rich who lives in Mammoth.

Chef Raddisson prepared a fantastic meal of mushroom soup, beef short ribs, stuffed chicken, and salmon, topped off with apple crisp and chocolate mousse.

Thursday apres ski was held next door to the hotel at The Yodler. If you go, try the trout sandwich or chicken and dumplings (just ask Mike.) On the last day of our trip, a mountainside commemoration was held on the mountain for its founder, Dave McCoy, who died February 8, 2020 at the age of 104.

Returning home proved scarier than skiing down Dave’s Run, one of the black diamond trails from the summit (11,053 feet.) Many of us galloped through the airport to slip onto the airplane just as the doors were closing. We made it safely back home, no injuries, tired but happy, with memories of good friends, good times and great skiing.

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