Our masters 2023-24 race seasoned ended with the Mid-Atlantic Masters Championship Races at Gore, NY, Friday, March 8 to Sunday, March 10.

The race was well attended and the competition was tough.  New England Masters and New York Masters also participated in this race as well as individuals from other Master race series in the west.

Steve zilli making a nice long-radius turn in the Super-G course

There were two Super-G races on Friday.  Susan Maximuk came in first in her age group in the first Super-G race and second in her age group in the second Super-G race.  For Super-G there is typically only one run, but none of the PA mountains are big enough for Super-G races and as long as the course is set and the protective netting (i.e., much beloved “B-netting”) is up, might as well make two runs.

In the Championship race on Saturday, Susan won first place in her ability group.  Steve Zilli won second place in his ability group.

Now it is time to head west and turn where we want to, and not where the Evil Course Setter put an inconvenient gate.

Think Snow!
Bill Champion